About Us

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The Center for Employee High Performance, Inc.

Maximize Your Employee Productivity & Profitability

Our work cuts down employee turnover, slashing absenteeism

The Center for Employee High Performance, Inc.

Optimize Your Benefits & Save Money

Your company should experience 4-7% net earnings increases within 2 years of engaging our services.

The Center for Employee High Performance, Inc.

Protection From Exposure to Fiduciary Liabilities

We help you protect yourself from fiduciary liabilities

About The Center for Employee High Performance, Inc.

We Are the Only Employee Engagement Firm Dedicated to Helping You and Your Employees

We are the original and only employee engagement firm for small businesses with the fastest ramp up times, easiest to work with, and verifiable net earnings increases. And we have a performance guarantee!

  • Cuts Down Employee Turnover
  • Slashing Absenteeism
  • Reduce Theft
  • Reduce Vandalism & Injuries
  • Raises Morale
  • Crush Competition
The Center for Employee High Performance, Inc.

Since 1985

The Center for Employee High Performance, Inc.

“Our clients are experiencing four-to-seven percent higher net returns from our work. We increase employee tenure, slash absenteeism, and raise productivity. No brokerage, bank, or agent can make this claim.”

Vaughan on Employer Results

Our Founder

R. Allen Vaughan, AIFA®, ARPC™

Executive Director and Founder, Profitable Employee High Performance, Inc. Atlanta, Georgia

On March 4, 2025, Allen Vaughan will have 40 years of experience in corporate retirement benefits. He began his career in the corporate retirement plan industry in March, 1985 with Merrill Lynch Retirement Plan Operations, and supervised over 20 employees. Mr. Vaughan became a retirement plan specialist for Shearson Lehman Hutton, and later an Employee Benefits Trust Officer for First Atlanta/ Wachovia Bank. He began The 401k Advisory Group, Inc. in 2004, where the services you see in this document were created, and later changed the name of the company to its current name to better reflect our corporate purpose, helping employers to have a productive, happy and profitable workforce, and for employees to achieve their retirement desires. We do not advise on any personal assets outside of 401k, PS/MP or Cash Balance plans. We are assigned as an ERISA §3(38) Fiduciary Manager to plan sponsors, and §3(21)(a)(ii) Fiduciary advisor to your employees.

Over half of all employees think about their poor financial situation 3 ½ hours or more during each workday. This is 3 ½ hours per day where they are not completely focused on their work

-The Center For Employee High Performance, Inc.

Our Mission

The Center for Employee High Performance Studies, Inc. specializes in addressing the detrimental impact of financial stress in the workplace. We understand that financial stress is a widespread issue that not only affects the personal well-being of employees but also hampers business performance. We offer unique solutions that alleviate this burden, improving employee focus, reducing absenteeism, and mitigating the underlying causes of on-the-job accidents. Our mission is to empower organizations and their employees to overcome financial stress, fostering a healthier and more productive work environment while positively impacting the company’s bottom line.

Fire Your 401(K) Advisor and Start 1-on-1 Coaching Today